Teaching Interests

Prof. De-Zheng Sun

Large-scale atmosphere and ocean dynamics:

Main text book: Andrian E. Gill, 1982: Atmospheric-ocean dynamics, Academics Press, New York, 662 pp. Supplementary text books: Richard Lindzen, 1990: Dynamics in atmospheric physics, Cambridge University Press, 310 pp; Joseph Pedlosky, 1998: Ocean circulation theory, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 453 pp.

Atmospheric convection:

Main text book: Kerry Emanuel, 1994: Atmospheric convection. Oxford University Press. 580 pp.

Global climate modeling:

Main text book: Kevin E. Trenberth 1992: Climate System Modeling. Cambridge University Press. 788 pp.

Climate Dynamics Seminar:

Understanding our changing environment:

Main text book: W. J. Burroughs 2001: Climate Change, Cambridge Univ. Press, 298 pp. Reference books: IPCC Climate Change 2001: The Science of Climate Change, Cambridge Univ. Press, 881 pp; Balling R. C., 1992: The Heated Debate, Pacific Research For Public Policy, 195 pp.